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Hi, I'm Beth

Sitting down at my art table at home after spending time amongst nature, whether it be a camping trip or a walk into my backyard to pick some herbs; that is the perfect day. Nothing else fills me with such contentment as a fresh burst of inspiration and a whole day ahead to express it with a brush, paint and paper.

I've been drawing for as long as I could hold a pencil and have developed my skills further by completing a Diploma of Visual Art and a Bachelor of Fine Art at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. I have also furthered my studies by completing a Master of Teaching Practice and am currently teaching alongside creating art. A lot of my watercolour paintings are of Australian botanicals but you will also find a range of other subjects throughout my work, depending on my inspiration for the day.

Besides painting and drawing, a few of my favourite things include traveling, outdoor sports, writing, and spending time with my endlessly supportive family and partner.

Thank you for stopping by my page!


Beth x

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